When you require the translation of a legal document, contract, marriage/birth certificate a specialist legal translator is selected from our extensive database of professional mother-tongue translators.
All our team members are qualified linguists. All interpreters are minimum DPSI (Diploma in Public Services Interpreting) qualified; all translators carry the necessary professional qualifications.
Our translation project managers select the person from our teams of translators best qualified to handle each individual project.
For example, if a legal translation into German requires knowledge of contract law and terminology, we will look for a native German speaker with translation qualifications plus experience in this particular field. Alternatively if the text relates to court proceedings, then our selection would be a qualified translator with legal training and first-hand knowledge of court work. It is this attention to detail which ensures that many of our clients are law firms and entrust us with translation of important legal documents time and time again.
We work providing Law Firms, Solicitors, Barristers and Courts with accurate translation in the following areas:
- Criminal Law
- Immigration Law
- Family Law
- Personal Injury Law
- Employment Law
- Legal Aid Rates
- Legal Translation Service
We understand that the language barrier must not hinder accurate communication throughout a criminal law trial. Our team ensure that any document translations are carried out accurately and as requested. Our interpreters offer a first-class service whether it is for a prison visit or a Court Hearing.
With a significant increase in the UK population of migrant workers who are non-native English speakers translation and interpreting has become more important within employment law proceedings. If a message or instruction is presented to a non-native speaker in English how can you be sure that the message is going to be clearly understood?
We have years of experience working with our clients offering both document translation services as well as interpreters for face-to-face meetings and hearings.